Sunday, 8 February 2015

Busy January

So much for my promise to get back to normal blog posts... I'm sure it will happen again at some point in my life.

January turned out to be a busy month for L and I - we traveled to the Dominican Republic for vacation with his family for a week which was a nice break from the snow and cold, even if it did rain for five of the seven days we were there... We rented a private villa, where we had a housekeeper/cook who made some amazing meals (including a Dominican lasagna - which strangely enough had raisins and corn in it...).

The most exciting news from January is that L and I have purchased our first home together! We take possession in a few weeks, and I am getting extremely excited. I've been pinteresting like crazy, getting ideas for organizing and decorating. I can't believe I've turned into one of those people who gets excited over granite countertops, hardwood floors and stainless steel appliances...but just look at our gorgeous future kitchen!

I'm not even going to bother promising lots of blog posts in the near future. The next few weeks will be spent packing and sorting and purging and packing. This is the part I'm not really looking forward to... Once we're settled and unpacked in the new place, I would like to try and get back to posting more (even though I've canceled a lot of my subscription boxes).

If you really want to stay up to date, give me a follow over on Instagram!


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