Sunday, 4 January 2015

Honest Company

The Honest Company was started by Jessica Alba (yes, the actress) and Christopher Gavigan (the former CEO of Healthy Child, Healthy World) as an affordable way to offer eco-friendly products to everyone. You can use their website to simply purchase a single item, or you can sign up for a bundle pack. There are three options - Diapers & Wipes Bundle ($79.95), Essentials Bundle ($35.95) or the Health and Wellness Bundle ($35.95). There is no obligation to purchase each month, you can pre-set your calendar to ship whenever you'd like. I set this box to ship on November 7th, my next one is not set to ship until February 18th.

Cost: $35.95 + $5.95 shipping to Canada + $8.99 international fee (it ended up being ~$60CAD for this - which isn't terrible if you compare the prices to organic grocery store prices) 

I like the laundry soap a lot. I've only tried the laundry packs once, and it dissolved no problem. The liquid laundry soap is extremely concentrated, and you need a very small amount in each load. It's similar to any organic soap - scentless, but appears to be effective. I haven't tried the other products I selected for this box, and have switched all three of them to different products for the box I'm receiving in February (but I chose both laundry detergents again).

It works out to ~$12/item after exchange rates/shipping/fees. I've looked at eco-friendly organic liquid detergent before, and it's usually around the $15-16 mark, so this actually works out to a decent price. 

As a first time buyer from their website, you can receive a sample pack for free (just pay $5.95 for shipping)! It's a great deal, even if you never place another order from their website.

The sample pack contains decent-sized bottles of Healing Balm, Hand Soap, Face & Body Lotion, Multi-Surface Cleaner and Shampoo & Body Wash. Such a steal for only $5.95!

I won't be posting every Honest Box I receive, I just wanted to do at least one blog post to let you all know about the company.


*This post contains referral links*

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