We woke up on our first day at Disney around 8am. I know from reading a lot of trip reports that this is "sleeping in", but I am not a morning person, and we had a late night the night before with our luggage not showing up to our room until after midnight. We got ready and headed to Intermission Food Court at our hotel (All-Star Music). I'm not much of a breakfast person (I never eat breakfast before leaving for work, and I've been known to snack on chocolate bars and bags of chips at my desk in the mornings...) so I just used a snack credit and picked up some banana bread.
Luke on the other hand, eats breakfast every morning (he does start work an hour and a half later than me), so he picked up the breakfast platter with eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, bacon, a biscuit and a Mickey waffle, and he also picked up a banana. We also paid out of pocket for this meal, it came to $11.97. I would like to point out that the banana cost $1.69. Seriously, most expensive banana ever.
After eating, we stopped to take this picture:
and then we headed outside to catch a bus to the race Expo. It opened at 10am that morning, and we wanted to be there as close to that time as possible. We walked outside the hotel to a coach bus sitting there waiting, so we walked on and were off to the race Expo! This was our first Disney transportation (excluding Magical Express) and our wait time is currently zero minutes - I was so worried we were going to waste so much time waiting for busses...
Before long the bus dropped us off, we had a short walk and then we were seeing this:
I apologize, I didn't write notes or pay attention to the buildings we went into here. The entire thing was quite overwhelming, and unlike anything I've ever experienced. It also started raining shortly after we arrived, so I left my camera in my bookbag to keep it dry, and any pictures I did take here were with my phone (and I didn't take very many).
Luke went and picked up his race pack in one building, and then we had to go into another building to pick up his race shirt. He also bought himself a Disney marathon weekend tshirt, and we looked around at some of the expo vendors. I loved the Ariel NewBalance shoes, but I couldn't justify the cost when it's not the brand of sneaker I wear (I love my Asics). I did end up buying Luke a Disney themed medal display, as it was something I had looked at ordering online, but the shipping cost to Canada was a little ridiculous. So when I saw the exact one I was going to order there, and I could take it home with me that day, I was sold! I don't have a picture of it, but it's this one in sparkly black: http://www.heavymedalz.com/Product/10OnceUponBlack.php Now to fill it I guess we'll just have to plan on more RunDisney events (which are already in our plans...).
We didn't spend too much time at the Expo, we had FastPasses to get to! We did see what we wanted to, and Luke had more than enough time to look at the official RunDisney merch, so we decided to head back to our hotel to drop off our purchases. But first, I made Luke pose for this picture:
We walked over to the bus pickup spot, and there was a bus sitting there waiting! Two for two today! We went back to All Star Music, dropped off our race Expo purchases and then headed back out to catch our first bus to one of the WDW parks! I might have been a little bit excited at this point...
We walked over to the bus pickup spot, and there was a bus sitting there waiting! Two for two today! We went back to All Star Music, dropped off our race Expo purchases and then headed back out to catch our first bus to one of the WDW parks! I might have been a little bit excited at this point...
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