Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Ever since being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease a year and a half ago, I've been fairly healthy - just a few minor flare-ups. However, my doctor decided it was time to do a follow-up colonoscopy, just to ensure everything is all fine and dandy. I've already cancelled my appointment once, so even though I'm freaking out a little bit about it, I know I just need to suck it up and get it over with. Today is my "prep" day, where I am on a liquid diet and later tonight I get to drink 4L of a cleansing solution. I thought it might be interesting to share this wonderful, exciting adventure....

7:46am - I just ate a bowl of Rice Krispies. It's the only solid food I'm allowed to eat today, so it won't be long before I start getting cranky. I was told to eat a small, light breakfast, so I figured the cereal with the lowest fiber would be the best choice.

9:57am - I was hungry, so I heated up a cup-full of chicken broth. Ugh.

11:54am - I couldn't deal with the broth, so I ran to the grocery store. Hello popsicles!

1:38pm - I've already ate three popsicles, should I cave in and go for my fourth one of the day?

2:42pm - I'm pretty sure my stomach has started eating itself. Go figure, Jello and popsicles aren't enough to keep me satisfied.

4:32pm - "Enjoy your shitcation!" "Don't worry, we won't assume you're dead this time and raid all the good stuff from your desk like we did last year" "You're taking ALL of the popsicles? Can't you leave some for tomorrow?" I love my job, and my quality boys.

5:22pm - I made Mr.Noodles, and I always drain all of the water off (they are Mr.Noodles, not Mr. Soup!). Today, L gets the noodles, and I get to drink the water. Ha! Take that gross chicken broth, spicy chicken Mr.Noodle water wins every time over you.

6:01pm - Annddd, two pills prescribed to help with nausea and vomiting have been taken.

8pm - Let the fun begin, bring on the Colyte.

8:04pm - Sweet, less than two ounces drank, and I've already gagged a bit.

9:30pm- I've been at this for an hour and a half, and have only drank 16oz? Fuck sakes, I was supposed to have that much gone in 20 minutes. This sucks.

10:16pm - This is too much liquid! Seriously, I'm only 5'2", how am I supposed to put away 4L of some disgusting mixture?

10:32pm - My stomach hurts. I'd be surprised if I've even drank 1L yet. 

12:23am - Ugh. Meltdown time. I can't do this anymore, I have really bad pains and feel pretty nauseous. I'm going to bed.

5:12am - Woke up with a better mindset. I can do this!

8:52am - Oh no! I have a bad feeling I'm going to arrive at the hospital, and won't be cleared out enough, and they're going to make me reschedule. I'll be so mad if I did all of this for nothing!

9:07am - Screw that gross Colyte, I've switched to downing glasses of apple juice. It's still way more liquid than I'm used to drinking...

10am - I'm now not allowed to drink anything else until after I wake up.

10:46am - Time to head to the hospital...

So it's now Thursday, the day after my procedure. I did all of that worrying for nothing. Everything went smoothly, and my doctor is wonderful. I ended up sleeping most of yesterday due to the sedation, and I took today off to fully re-cover. So far so good!


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